1847* Dred Scott, a slave, filed suit in the St. Louis Circuit Court claiming that his temporary residence in a free territory should have made him a free man. Scott would lose the case. 1881* Henry Highland Garnet, former abolitionist leader and Presbyterian minister, named minister to Liberia. He died in Monrovia shortly after his arrival. 1906* John Hope became the first Black president of Morehouse College. 1917* Jazz singer Lena Horne born in Brooklyn, NY. 1926* James Weldon Johnson was honored for his careers as an executive of the NAACP, a member of the United States Consul, editor, and poet by the NAACP in New York City. 1951* NAACP began frontal attack on segregation and discrimination at elementary and high school levels, arguing that segregation was discrimination in cases before three-judged federal courts in South Carolina and Kansas. The South Carolina court, with a strong dissent from Judge E. Waites Warning, held that segregation was not discrimination, ...