By now you all can tell we are faithful to and view it just about every day. We try our best to bring some of the most vital information from the site as well as just a few things we enjoy. Ladies . .Paul Carrick Brunson aka "The Modern Day Matchmaker" has complied a list of things so we will no longer ask ourselves the question "Am I dating a Boy or a Man?" After this you will know weather you need to drop that Zero and Move on to the next one. Fellas it's vital for you as well. Are you stepping up to the plate when it come to being a Man. .or are you trying to hang out on the playground and continue to be a Boy? Check this OUT. . Written By: Paul Carrick Brunson for Sometimes, ideas for posts come to me in conversation, sometimes based on what I read, and other times I get inspiration from the real situations of my clients. My all time favorite source for ideas is Twitter. I find the social media platform to be the best...
So·phis·ti·cate: A sophisticated person Chro·ni·cle: To present a record of in or as if in a chronicle