Who is "Cocoa Brown"? Many seem to think they know her. Many seem to think that they are friends with her, have loved her, and well her family. .they along with everyone else have no clue. The "Thoughts and Adventures" of this beautiful BROWN woman will come from experiences with friends, family, business dealings, life, and of course LOVE. Sometimes short thoughts. . Sometimes long stories. .so you too can walk through the experience Poised and always Sophisticated is the Lady by day. .but no matter what "Cocoa Brown" is always around. . And here we go. . Reflections on "The Man" . . "There is something about this man. .I don't have to see him with my eyes to know that he is near. .in my presence. It's like an electric surge that travels from the ends of the hair on my head all the way down to the tips of my french manicured toes. I immediately sit up straight or stand taller. My head is a little higher...
So·phis·ti·cate: A sophisticated person Chro·ni·cle: To present a record of in or as if in a chronicle