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Showing posts from September, 2014

Weekend of Service

It's that time again!! October 4-5, 2014 The 2nd Annual "Weekend of Service". I have always been passionate about giving back to my community and city who have done so much for me. God has blessed each of us with many talents but I truly feel that those very talents are to be used for the benefit of us all. Equally. The Kick Off: "Show Up, Clean Up" The 928 Project will be out in full effect in its efforts to beautify our "Inner City" communities. These are the very communities that have educated some of  the prominent black judges, lawyers, doctors, and entertainers. Be there as we help clean up the Westside!! And the return of "Sistah's Chat"  This is truly an event that is straight from my heart. We have had some phenomenal panelist!! Authors, Entreprenuers, Musician, Motivational Speakers, etc. Each has come ready to give "the real", discuss prevalent issues, and solutions/ideas to bring forth change. This is a "Special...