Soooooooo. .EVERYbody knows I LOVE my mama!! She is such an inspiration on a daily basis for me and I am blessed to have her. Do you ever think about who you would be if it had not been for the love, guidance, and sacrifices of your parents? Especially your mother? Glory!! Anywhoo. .yesterday my Mother had an awesome idea for what we affectionately call on Social Media "Throwback Thursday". I've always LOVED and tried to mimic my Mother's style. She along with my Godmother's and Aunt's were the epitome of Sophistication. They made their style their own but kept it polished and ON POINT. Her idea was to recreate a photo that was taken of her back in the mid 70s. I would wear the same color pants, halter top, and accessories at the exact location she took the photo. (My mother's hair was also natural so that was a plus as well.) Check it out!! I've got to say that it turned out pretty cool with our twist on things. The duplex was right across the street ...
So·phis·ti·cate: A sophisticated person Chro·ni·cle: To present a record of in or as if in a chronicle