*Check out the full interview done by Black&Sexy TV above (10 minute mark)* Now after learning that the "Fly Girl" trilogy by Omar Tyree would be turned into a movie. . The legendary Spike Lee confirms that he already has the script for the sequel to his beloved classic "School Daze"!! Spike Lee said the sequel would take place 25 years later and he hopes to get actor Laurence Fishburne to play his role as “Dap.” Lee said, “I had the script for [the sequel] to School Daze, a contemporary version, same school, 25 years later. Hopefully I can get Laurence Fishburne to play Dap. He’ll be the president now of the school. It would deal with issues in HSBCUs today, some of the same stuff from the last film, like the pledging process. But also lots of new stuff like homophobia,it’s a big subject in it. Class issues, color, hair texture, but it’s stuff happening today.” I don't know about you but a few people I would like to see on the...
So·phis·ti·cate: A sophisticated person Chro·ni·cle: To present a record of in or as if in a chronicle