Hmm. .now I'm sure after seeing the title everyone is thinking thinking "What is this about?". Well according to Kevin Carr there are specifically 11* things men just absolutely LOVE and can't do without. A little about Kevin Carr. . Dating Coach and motivational speaker Kevin Carr is the author of "If All Men Are Dogs: Then Women You Hold the Leash", and the new eBook "Date Responsibly: Choosing Better Men". Here we go. . #1 Honesty Real men respect an honest woman. In fact, they yearn for one. A woman that possesses the ability to be open and honest about what she wants is one that can clearly articulate how she does and doesn't feel. There's nothing like it. In a world full of surface interaction your candidness can be refreshing for him. #2 Empathy There are a lot of cases where he doesn't necessarily want to be "right.” He simply wants to be understood. He will never be ...
So·phis·ti·cate: A sophisticated person Chro·ni·cle: To present a record of in or as if in a chronicle