You know people (ladies), we have a song on our upcoming release called "Sitting with Me." The song is basically declaring an acceptance and contentment with whatever state that we're in, because when our time comes, or we'd actually like to say, in God's divine time, no one can stop us from shining...
Now ladies, we know real life happens in between our pursuit of happiness. Things don't go according to plan, they don't always work in our favor, our hard work gets overlooked, someone else get the promotion or the opportunity, someone else gets the second chance or the better chance, so we think, someone else gets the recognition. It's like that old saying, life just isn't fair. And guess what, maybe it isn't. But we can also choose to stop pitying and pacifying ourselves with that saying and start propelling ourselves with it.
We are firm believers that a commitment to pure motives, hard work, excellence and persistence pays off, and pays off well. It's basically the law of reciprocity. You reap what you sow.
Perhaps life isn't fair, but remember this: we're all God's children, and there's no way our Creator created us just to take up space and live meaningless lives. There's no way this perfect God who created the world perfectly, made a mistake on me, and my life is just supposed to be full of mistakes, and failures, and downtrodden stories of never overcoming. No way!!! We were made by a great God in his image because we're supposed to live great lives. All of us and in many different ways.
So we don't lose heart at each failure, we must become motivated by it to become better. We don't frown because someone else got the opportunity, the promotion, the recognition. We celebrate with them and for them and we continue to work hard and be excellent knowing that our time will come. We don't become depressed at the thriving relationships or family life of others; we take note of what to do and how to do it and implement it into our own lives. We don't become distressed because of our work loads, we become thankful because of it. Nothing from nothing, leaves nothing. So thank God we got something to do. And what we're doing is getting closer to our dreams, our goals, our heart's desire. Are you starting to get the picture?
I know you get tired and frustrated, but don't lose heart, 'cause your time is coming, and when you feel like your patience is running thin, remember this wisdom-filled scripture: They that wait on the Lord get renewed strength, they spread their wings and soar like eagles, the run and never get tired, they walk and don't fall behind. (Isaiah 40:31).
Keep on on sowing seeds of hard work, perseverance, patience, excellence, because in due time, in God's divine time, you will reap what you sow.
Afterall, sitting on the sidelines isn't so bad when you've got a dream, a plan, a truckload of faith, and a great big God on your side.
Live BIG, Love Big, Give Big... Do SOMETHING BIG!!!
Mary Mary*
"Something Big"
The NEW Album from Mary Mary comes out March 29th.
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